Our Centre is funded through fees paid by parents and Government grants.
There is a daily fee charged weekly. We have a 2 day minimum policy and only provide full day care.
Families can apply for the Childcare Subsidy (CCS) to be deducted from their childcare and preschool fees.
Please contact us for a copy of our fee policy
New child care fees from 1/7/2023: Daily: $135.00
New preschool fees from 1/7/23: Daily: $70.00
There is a $40 enrolment fee per child. This is a once off fee and your child will be provided with a hat. Jacaranda children will be provided with a wet bag and Coral room children will be provided with a library bag.
A bond of $25 per day, for 2 weeks, will be charged to all new children.
Parent Handbook
This booklet provides parents with general information about our Centre’s philosophy and objectives, education and care programs, details on Centre management and our policies.